
Grow your savings to meet your financial goals

Latest Posts on: Investing

What’s the best investment?

The investment(s) that meet your financial goals while taking on the least amount of risk needed

Master List of Investment Goals

Why do you want to invest?

Which goals are important to you? Which 1-3 goals are a top priority?

(← scroll →)

Not ImportantImportantTop Priority
1To be better off than my peers
2To pay for self-improvement (eg, back to school)
3To experience the excitement of investing
4To start a new business
5To buy a home
6To help pay for my kid's education
7To stop working and do something I love
8To go on a dream vacation
9To relocate in retirement
10To care for aging relatives
11To give to charity or other cause
12To feel secure about finances in retirement
13To feel secure about finances now
14To leave an inheritance to loved ones
15To retire early
16To pay for future medical and long-term care expenses
17To not be a financial burden as I grow older

Get Started:

Index Fund Investing for Beginners

Get started saving for your long-term financial goals

Saving for a Home Down Payment?

Eight investing choices for a short-term financial goal

Inflation is Quietly Decimating Your Savings

What to do about it


Stock Index Investing Ideas

These are ideas only. If you are interested in investing, please double-check the expense ratios at your financial institution.

Read the full article:

Index Fund Investing for Beginners. Get started saving for your long-term financial goals.

July 2021. US = United States; ID = International, developed countries; EM = Emerging markets. Funds are suggestions only; please do your own research before investing.

*Fees may change at any time and vary based on where the fund is puchased.

This information has been provided for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Any opinions expressed are my own and may not be appropriate in all cases. All efforts have been made to provide accurate information; however, mistakes happen, and laws change; information may not be accurate at the time you read this. Links are included for reference but should not be considered an implied endorsement of these organizations or their products. Please seek out a licensed professional for current advice specific to your situation.

Liz Baker, PhD

Liz Baker, PhD

I’m an authority on investing, retirement, and taxes. I love research and applying it to real-world problems. Together, let’s find our paths to financial freedom.

More About Me

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