
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all content on this website, YourWealthKnowledge.com, meets the highest standards of quality. Our primary goal is to produce helpful content for our readers, which will ultimately improve their lives. We do this by providing original, accurate and clear information.



  • All authors must have a working knowledge of the topic. This may come from experience, training, or study.
  • All authors must disclose any conflicts of interest or relevant sponsorships
  • No author shall have a history of writing violations, including, but not limited to, copyright infringement, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and knowingly publishing misinformation
  • Based on other publishing standards, such as the ICMJE, authorship will be defined as the following
    • Substantial contributions to the concept or design of the content (eg, topic and outline); or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of information reviewed for the content; AND
    • Drafting the content or critically revising it; AND
    • Final approval, prior to final editorial approval by the lead editor (see below); AND
    • Agree to be accountable, and ensure that all questions of accuracy or integrity are appropriately addressed
  • Note, that other writers may contribute to the content, but may not necessarily be considered an “author”. These supporting writers should be acknowledged as follows:
    • “Additional writing support provided by [writer name],” or “[writer name] provided additional writing support”



  • With the exceptions listed below, all content will be original. Duplication of this content without permission of YourWealthKnowledge.com is a violation of copyright. This includes, but is not limited to, text, photos, charts, tables, and infographics created by the authors.
    • Free-to-use photos are used throughout and are available from sites such as Pexels.com, Pixabay.com, and Unsplash.com


  • All efforts will be made to ensure the content is as accurate as possible
  • Unless something is considered common knowledge, whenever possible, facts will be referenced by linking to a high-quality source
    • A high-quality source includes a government website, published scientific study, or high authority website (eg, Investopedia.com or WebMD.com)
  • A “claim” is a statement that one thing has a causal relationship with another thing. (Eg, “carrots improve eyesight” or “XYZ strategy will make you rich”)
    • No claims shall be made unless the accuracy of the claim can be supported by either linking to a high-quality source or presenting original data
    • Claims of others may be discussed but must be reviewed in the proper context. It will be made clear whether the claim is from a high-quality source and if there is information available to support the claim.
  • Unlike claims, “opinions” are not necessarily backed by data
    • “Opinions” or “reviews” must be stated as such. Whether it is an opinion of the author or others, this must be made clear, and should not sound like a “claim”.
    • We acknowledge that “opinions” and “reviews” are rarely free of bias. Therefore, it is important that authors disclose their biases.

High Quality

  • All efforts will be made to thoroughly research a topic, including dissenting views and opinions if applicable
  • All efforts will be made to create well-written content free of grammatical and spelling errors and following a consistent editorial style
  • Inflammatory and offensive language from either the authors or commenters will be deleted.
  • All efforts will be made to format the content to be clear to the user, and easily read on multiple devices


  • Before posting, all content will be reviewed and edited by the lead editor (Liz Baker, PhD) or their delegate to ensure compliance with these editorial guidelines.


In order to maintain quality, corrections to the content may be made at any time

  • Laws change, and views on topics evolve over time based on new information
    • As such, information accurate at the time of posting may not be accurate in the future
  • If information is later found to be inaccurate, all efforts will be made to update content in a timely manner
    • Correcting misinformation in newer posts will be prioritized over correcting “outdated” older posts
    • Alternatively, an outdated post may be redirected to a new post on a similar topic
  • Likewise, spelling and grammatical errors will be corrected as they are identified

Redundant Publication

With the permission of the lead editor (Liz Baker, PhD), original and free-to-use content may be republished elsewhere but must include the canonical link from the original article on YourWealthKnowledge.com

Likewise, with the permission of the lead editor, content may be adapted for other media, including, but not limited to, YouTube videos, podcasts, and invited talks. If so, YourWealthKnowledge.com must be credited, as appropriate.

Social Media

Social media links to posts on YourWealthKnowledge.com are encouraged, and sharing links are provided for convenience.

However, any mentions on social media should also contain a link back to either the YourWealthKnowledge.com or the relevant post.

For any questions, contact us at YourWealthKnowledge@outlook.com


This policy is effective as of October 12, 2019

This information has been provided for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Any opinions expressed are my own and may not be appropriate in all cases. All efforts have been made to provide accurate information; however, mistakes happen, and laws change; information may not be accurate at the time you read this. Links are included for reference but should not be considered an implied endorsement of these organizations or their products. Please seek out a licensed professional for current advice specific to your situation.

Liz Baker, PhD

Liz Baker, PhD

I’m an authority on investing, retirement, and taxes. I love research and applying it to real-world problems. Together, let’s find our paths to financial freedom.

More About Me

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